There has been a couple of requests as to where to start with this list (now over 100 pieces). So immediately below are the 10 most common played pieces, that should give you a decent start if you are looking to jump in.
All in a Garden Green |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Amoroso |  |  | Italian, 15th cent. PCB arrangement. |
Amours |  |  | Basse Dance, fabricated by PCB |
Anello |  |  | Italian, by Domenico da Piacenzo, c.1460 PCB arrangement. |
Argeers |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Aridan Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Ballo del Fiore |  |  | Italian, Fabritio Caroso 16th cent. PCB arrangement. |
Battle Pavane |  |  | Also known as Fickle Ladies. English 16th Cent. PCB Arrangement. |
Bella Giosio |  |  | Italian, Fabritio Caroso 16th cent. Arrangement derived from historical lute tablature. |
Belle Qui tiens ma vie |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. Arbeau's arrangement. |
Belriguardo |  |  | Italian, 15th cent. PCB arrangement. |
Bizzaria D'Amore |  |  | Negri, Italian 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Black Almain |  |  | English, 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Black Nag |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Boatman |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Bobbing Joe |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Buffens |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement for cornamusen. |
Bonny Bonny Broom |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Burgundian Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Califian Bransle (Maltese/Shiarazula) |  |  | Pierre Phalese 1571 PCB arrangement. |
Candlestick(Torch) Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589 (also J.d'Estree 1559). PCB arrangement. |
Cantiga 119 |  |  | Spanish 13th Cent. Arrangement after Wolgemut, using in SCA only. |
Cassandra Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Charlotte Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Cherping of the Lark |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Chestnut |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Chiara Stella |  |  | Caroso Il Ballarino 16th Cent. Italian, original lute tab in Gm from Cm. |
Chirping of the Nightingale |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Clog Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Colonesse |  |  | Domenico, 15th Cent. Italian. PCB arrangement. |
Confesse |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Contrapasso en Due (Contrapasso Nuovo) |  |  | variant on Contrapasso Nuovo by Caroso Ital. 16th PCB arrangement. |
Corelli's Maggot |  |  | Modern English Country, written Cathy & John Miller, 1993. PCB arrangement. |
Cuckolds All a Row |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Dargasson |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Dick's Maggot |  |  | English Country, Playford 1701 PCB arrangement. |
Double Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Drive the Cold Winter Away |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Duke of Kent's Waltz |  |  | English Waltz, ca. 1802. PCB arrangement. |
Dull Sir John |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Earl of Essex Measure |  |  | Inns of Court, English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Earl of Salisbury Pavan |  |  | Inns of Court, English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Eglamowr de tribus |  |  | Gresley MS - English ca.1500 PCB arrangement. |
Epping Forest |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Faine I Would |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Cascarda Fedelta |  |  | Caroso Il Ballarino, 16th Cent. Italian. From lute tab, in G from Eb. |
Female Saylor |  |  | English Country 1706 PCB arrangement. |
Fickle Ladies |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB Arrangement. |
Fine Companion |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Galliard: "La Traditore my fa morire" |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Gathering Peascods |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Gay Bransle |  |  | Arbeau, French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Gelosia |  |  | Domenico da Piacenzo Ital 1460. PCB arrangement. |
Glory of the West |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Goddesses (Scot's Lad Lament) |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Gracca Amorosa |  |  | Caroso from Il Ballarino, 16th Cent. Italian. Quartet in G from historical lute tabulature in F. |
Green Gynger |  |  | Original music by Richard Schweitzer - usable only in SCA. |
Greenwood |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Grey's Inn Mask |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Grimstock |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Halfe Hannikin |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Hay Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
The Healths or Merry Wassel |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Heart's Ease |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Heralds in Love |  |  | Heather Rose Jones, modern SCA - usuable only in SCA. |
Hermit Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Hit and Misse |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Hole in the Wall |  |  | by H. Purcell, 18th cent. PCB arrangement. |
Horse's Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Hyde Park |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
If All the World Were Paper |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Jack's Maggot |  |  | English Country, Playford (1703) PCB arrangement. |
Jack Pudding |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Jamaica |  |  | English Country, Playford 1671. PCB arrangement. |
Jenny Plucks Pears |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
John Tallis Cannon |  |  | English Country, attributed to Pat Shaw. |
John Tallow's Cannon |  |  | Music by Tangerine Dream, usuable on in SCA. |
Juice of Barley |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Kemp's Jig |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Kettle Drum |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Korobushka |  |  | Russian/Ukrainian Folk Traditional. |
La Allemande |  |  | Basse Dance, fabricated by PCB |
La Volta |  |  | English 16th Cent. Historic arrangement. |
Leggiadria D'Amore |  |  | Italian, Fabritio Caroso 16th cent. PCB arrangement. |
Legiadra |  |  | Gugliolmo Ebreo 15th Cent. Italian. PCB arrangement. |
Leoncello Novo |  |  | Domenico 15th Cent. Italian, PCB arrangement in G from F. |
Light of Love |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Lorayne Almain |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Lord Sun Lady Moon |  |  | By Dafyd Arth- usable only in SCA, arrangement by PCB. |
Lulle Me Beyond Thee |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Ly Bens Distonys |  |  | Gresley MS - English ca.1500 PCB arrangement. |
Madame Sosilla's Almain |  |  | English 16th Cent. Inns of Court. Arrangement by J. Casazza - usable only in SCA. |
Mairi's Wedding / Gey Gordon's |  |  | Irish Trad. |
Maltese Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589 (NOTE - this is Arbeau's piece, not the Califrian SCA) PCB arrangement. |
Mannschaft Pavan |  |  | Based on Turkelone from Henry VIII's movie. Arrangement by Phaedria. |
Marchesana |  |  | Italian, by Domenico da Piacenzo, c.1460 PCB arrangement. |
Mercantia |  |  | Domenico da Piacenzo Ital 1460. PCB arrangement. |
Merry Merry Milkmaids |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Milke Mayd's Bobb |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Millfield |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Millison's Jegge |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Mister Isaac's Maggot |  |  | English 17th Cent. |
Montarde |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
New Almain |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
New Boe Peepe |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Newcastle |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
New Exchange |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Night Peece |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Nika Nika Bransle |  |  | 16th Cent. Spanish - PCB arrangement. |
Nonesuch |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Official Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Old Alman |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Old Man is a Bed Full of Bones |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Old Mole |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Ore Boggy |  |  | English Country, Neal 1726 PCB arrangement. |
Packington's Pound |  |  | English 16th Cent, PCB arrangement. |
Parson's Farewell |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Pease Bransle |  |  | Arbeau 1589 - PCB arrangement. |
Petit Rose |  |  | Original Melody by Chris Elmes to dance steps by Gugliolmo Ebreo. PCB arrangement. Please consult Chris Elmes for usage. |
Petit Rouen |  |  | Basse Dance, fabricated by PCB |
Petit Vriens |  |  | Gugliolmo Ebreo 15th Cent. Italian. PCB arrangement. |
Picking of Sticks (Levena, Kitty McGee) |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Pinaguy Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Posties Jig |  |  | Irish Traditional. PCB Arrangement. |
Predente in Gyro |  |  | Saltarello II as done by Dead Can Dance. |
Punk's Delight |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Queen's Almain |  |  | William Byrd 1609 - Fitzwilliam Virginal Book arrangement transcribed by Robert Smith- usuable only in SCA. |
Quen Quer Que (Cantiga 167) |  |  | 13th Cent. Spanish - PCB arrangement. |
Red House |  |  | English Country, Playford 1695 PCB arrangement. |
Road to the Isles (Scotland the Brave) |  |  | Scottish Traditional. |
Rose E Viole |  |  | Antonio Casteliono 16th Cent. Italian. PCB arrangement. |
Rostiboli Gioisio |  |  | Gugliolmo Ebreo 15th Cent. Italian. PCB minor key arrangement. |
Rostiboli Gioisio |  |  | Gugliolmo Ebreo 15th Cent. Italian. Original Melody arrangement in G. |
Rugero |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Rufty Tufty |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Rustica Amorosa |  |  | Italian, Fabritio Caroso 16th cent. PCB arrangement. |
Saltarello I (La Regina) |  |  | 15th Cent. Italian PCB arrangement. |
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Scotch Cap |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Scots Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Sellengers Round |  |  | English 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Sheppard's Holyday |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Skellamefago |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Spanish Gypsy |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Spanyard |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Symphonie |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
T'Angelosa |  |  | 15th cent. Italian. Based on Glynne Parry's (Bedford Waits) reconstruction of the melody. |
Tangle Bransle (Champaign Br.) |  |  | Praetorius 16th Cent. PCB arrangement. |
Tangle Bransle (Single Bransle) |  |  | Arbeau 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Tourdion |  |  | Arbeau 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Trenchmore |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Torin |  |  | 15th Cent - original title Mit Gantzem Willem by Konrad Paumann, danced in SCA as a basse dance 51313. PCB arrangement. |
Upon a Summer's Day |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
Up Tailes All |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |
War Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Washerwoman Bransle |  |  | Arbeau French 1589. PCB arrangement. |
Well Hall |  |  | English Country, Playford 1679 PCB arrangement. |
Whirligig (Woodicock) |  |  | English Country, Playford PCB arrangement. |