![Seminarraum an der Filmhochschule Hamburg](filmschule_seminarraum.jpg) ![Hörsall](800px-Vorlesung_Uni_Aachen.jpg) |
Words for "class," "study," etc.
Remeber that although the cognates "Klasse" and "studieren" exist, they
are to some extent false cognates. German university students never refer
to their classes as "Klassen".
The general word for "course" is der Kurs.
- The more "official" word is Lehrveranstaltung, which includes all types of instructional modalities.
A Vorlesung (fem.) is a lecture course, where the instructor lectures
a lot and there is not very much class discussion.
A Seminar (neut.) is a course, usually more advanced, with a great
emphasis on discussion, and involving student presentations and term papers.
A lab section is a Labor (neut.).
A lower level language class is a Übung (fem.).
Words for the majors.
Because of differences between the German and American education systems,
it is sometimes difficult to find exact correspondences.
Here is a list of the majors available in the Camden College of Arts
and Sciences (as of about 2000, when this page was originally created), with German translations.
To get a better sense of how the German university system
actually works, you can look at the websites of various German
universities. For one example, the main site of the
Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München is http://www.uni-muenchen.de/index.html.
The Munich "German Department" is at http://www.germanistik.uni-muenchen.de/index.html.
Camden Majors Translated
Art Kunst
Art History Kunstgeschichte
Biology Biologie
Business Betriebswirtschaft
Chemistry Chemie
Computer Science Informatik
Criminal Justice Kriminologie (may not be an exact equivalent)
Economics Wirtschaftswissenschaft
English Anglistik
French Französisch (neut.) or Romanistik
German Deutsch (neut.) or Germanistik
History Geschichte
Mathematics Mathematik
Music Musik
Nursing Krankenpflege (although this is not a university major in
Philosophy Philosophie
Physics Physik
Political Science Politikwissenschaft
Psychology Psychologie
Social Work Sozialarbeit
Sociology Soziologie
Spanish Spanisch (neut.), or Hispanistik, possibly Lateinamerikanistik
Theater Arts Theaterwissenschaft
Urban Studies Urbanistik or Großstadtforschung
Law Jura (never used with an article)
Medicine Medizin