Mark D. Morgan, Ph.D.

Department of Biology
Rutgers University
Camden, NJ 08102

Telephone: (856) 225-6147
Fax: (856) 225-6312


Research Interests

My general research effort focuses on the role of abiotic factors such as acidity and nutrients in controlling aquatic plant and animal communities. My primary study area is the New Jersey Pinelands, a 400,000 ha tract of mostly undisturbed pine-oak and oak-pine forest. The present phase of my research involves a detailed examination of the biogeochemistry of sulfur in Pinelands wetlands. Although levels of atmospheric deposition of acidity and sulfate are high in the Pinelands region, sulfate removal by dissimilatory sulfate reduction in wetlands leads to neutralization of a significant fraction of the total incoming acidity (20-40%). I have also participated in an international experiment on the effect of artificial acid rain on a wetland watershed and humic lake (HUMEX) in western Norway. The results from this experimental study confirm findings from the Pinelands.


Undergraduate (Regular Courses)

General Ecology: 50:120:351 (with laboratory 50:120:353)

A study of the interrelations of organisms and their environment. Principles of growth, regulation, and distribution, structure, and energetics of populations and communities are explored. Fall semester.

2006 General Ecology Laboratory Manual (only available to General Ecology students)

2006 Lab Schedule

General Ecology lab manual as a pdf file

General Ecology 2006 Class Syllabus

General Ecology Class Syllabus

Sample Exams from 2005

| Exam I | Exam II |

Ecology 2006 Powerpoint Presentations available as pdf files. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, which can be obtained from a free adobe download

| Introduction | Population Ecology | Life Tables | Population Growth | Niche | Competition I |

| Competition II | Predation | The Ecosystem | Climate |

| Exam I Summary Results | Soil | Terrestrial Biomes I | Terrestrial Biomes II |

| Exam 2 Summary Results | Succession | Characteristics of Water and Aquatic Biomes I |

| Aquatic Biomes II | Aquatic Biomes III | Energy Flow | | Biogeochemistry I | Biogeochemistry II |

| Water Pollution I and II | Possible Extra Material |

Bonus Points

| Bonus 1(due by October 19 2006) | Bonus 2 (due by November 28 2006) |

Understanding Environmental Problems: 50:120:202

Discussion and analysis of environmental problems facing the human species. Emphasis is given to physical, chemical and biological principles affecting population growth, resource and energy consumption, and the pollution of the air, water, and land. Spring semester

Understanding Environmental Problems: Class Syllabus

2007 Day Syllabus 2007 Evening Syllabus

2006 Powerpoint Presentations (as pdf files requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view). It is available as a free download.

| Introduction | Philosophy of Science | Ecosystems and Energy | | Ecosystems and Living Organisms |

| Ecosystems and the Physical Environment | | Major Ecosystems of the World (Part 1)

| Major Ecosystems of the World (Part 2) | Major Ecosystems of the World (Part 3) |

| Population Ecology | Environmental Econmics | Human Pop Growth |

| Tocicology | Air Pollution | Water Pollution |

| Radiation |

Sample Exam

| Sample Exam I | Sample Exam II | Corrected Answers to Sample Exam 1 and 2 | Exam I Results Summary | Exam II Results summary |

Bonus Points

| Bonus 1 (due by March 9, 2006) | Bonus 2 (due by April 20, 2006) | Bonus 3 (due by April 27, 2006) |

Special Problems in Biology: 50:120:491,492

Outstanding students taking this course have an opportunity to design and carry out an independent research problem in aquatic or ecosystem ecology. Fall and spring semesters.

Graduate (Regular Courses)

Advanced Aquatic Ecology : 56:120:525

A study of biological, chemical and physical aspects of inland water bodies with emphasis on streams, rivers, and standing water bodies of the region. Spring semester.

Topics in Quantitative Biology: 56:120:523

This course is designed for students without much prior experience in the use of quantitative methods for the analysis and interpretation of biological data. Covered topics include sampling, experimental design, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance. Spring semester

Topics in Quantitative Biology Syllabus

2003 Syllabus

Homework Sets Questions

| Homework Set #1 | Homework Set #2 | Homework Set #3 | Homework Set #4

| Homework Set #5 | Homework Set #6 | Homework Set #7|

Homework Sets Solutions

| Homework Set #1 | Homework Set #2 | Homework Set #3 |

Individual Studies in Biology: 56:120:619,620

For graduate students who wish conduct original research projects in aquatic or ecosystem ecology in addition to, or in lieu of, thesis research. Fall and spring semesters.

Research in Biology: 56:120:701,702

For graduate students working on a thesis project in aquatic or ecosystem ecology. Fall and spring semesters.

Interesting Web Sites

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Ecological Society of America

National Geophysical Data Center

American Association of Limnology and Oceanography

Association of Ecosystem Research Centers

National Science Foundation