Selected Journal Publications
Informative cues can slow search: the cost of matching a specific template.
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2013)
Attention Perception and Psychophysics, in press.
Task demands determine the specificity
of the search template.
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2012)
Attention Perception and Psychophysics, 74(1):124-131.
Perceptual discrimination of
computer generated and photographic faces.
Farid, H. and Bravo, M.J. (2011)
Digital Investigation, 8:226-235.
Image forensic analyses that elude
the human visual system.
Farid, H. and Bravo, M.J. (2010)
SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging.
The specifity of the search template.
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2009)
Journal of Vision, 9(1):34, 1-9.
A scale
measure of image clutter.
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2008)
Journal of Vision , 8(1):1-9.
The depth of distractor
processing in
search with clutter.
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2006)
Perception, 36(6):821-829.
Object recognition in dense
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2006)
Perception & Psychophysics, 68(6):911-918.
Search for a category target in
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2004)
Perception, 33: 643-652.
Recognizing and segmenting objects in
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2004)
Vision Research, 44:385-396.
Object segmentation by top-down
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2003)
Visual Cognition, 10(4):471-491.
Texture perception on folded
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2001)
Perception, 30(7): 819-832.
Effects of 3D structure on motion
Bravo, M.J. and Farid, H. (2000)
Vision Research, 40(6): 695-704.
A global process in motion
Bravo, M.J. (1998)
Vision Research, 38: 853-864.
Evidence for two speed signals: a
coarse local
signal for segregation and a precise global signal for
Bravo, M.J. & Watamaniuk, S.N.J.(1995)
Vision Research , 35: 1691-1697.
The role of attention in
different visual
search tasks.
Bravo, M. & Nakayama, K. (1992)
Perception and Psychophysics, 51:465-472.
Preattentive vision and perceptual groups.
Bravo, M. & Blake, R. (1990)
Perception, 19: 515-552.
Cats see subjective contours.
Bravo, M., Blake, R. & Morrison, S. (1988)
Vision Research, 28: 861-865.