"Even Critics Surprised by Welfare Reform," from David Boldt's column in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Defending New Jersey's "Family Cap" Welfare
Reform in the Courts
a paper prepared for the Eastern Sociological Society meetings
Baltimore, Maryland - March 4, 2000 in
Microsoft Word format - in
HTML format.
"Gambling on Jobs and Welfare in Atlantic City," Society Magazine, May/June 1997, pp. 62-66. With John W. Cosby. (Not available online.)
"New Jersey's Experiment in Welfare Reform," The Public Interest, fall 1996, pp. 72-80. With Gary Young.. A version, with some graphs which were not in the published version is available on this web site.
"The Politics
of Welfare Reform in New Jersey," in The
Politics of Welfare Reform (Donald Norris, ed.),
SAGE Publications (with John Hart), 1995.
For older papers, particularly relating to Southern New Jersey, check
Dr. Goertzel's resume.
To get copies of these papers, other than those listed below, contact
Dr. Goertzel at goertzel@camden.rutgers.edu, or go through IRIS on the Rutgers
library system.
Some of these older papers and research materials (for possible classroom use) can be found here, often in a rougher form than the printed documents in the library or the wordperfect files.
Camden Residents' Views on Employment and Welfare Reform, April 1992.
Work, Welfare and Childbirth Among Camden Mothers: 1992-1994 (Spring 1995)
and work in the 1970s, what can we learn from the past? Report
on a reanalysis of data collected by Samuel Klausner.
Here are some questionnaires, for possible use by Methods of Research students (or anyone else who wants them):
A questionnaire we used in 1996.
A questionnaire from 1993, using some of Klausner's items.
Some "modernism" survey questions.