Opinion Questionnaire
For each item just mark whether you "agree very much" (acuerdar mucho), "agree a little" (acuerdar un poco), "disagree a little" (discordar un poco) or "disagree very much" (discordar mucho).
1. Making plans only brings unhappiness, because the plans are hard to fulfill.
[Hacer planos solamente trea infelicidad, porque los planes siempre son dificiles de realizar].
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much
2. With things as they are today, an intelligent person ought to think only about the present, without worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow.
[Hoy in día, como andan las cosas, la persona inteligente debe pensar en el presente, since preocuparse con lo que pede pasar mañana.]
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much
3. The secret of happiness is not expecting too much out of life, and being content with what comes your way.
[El secreto de la felicidad es no esperar demasiado de la vida, y aceptar lo que pasa.]
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much
4. It is important to make plans for one's life and not just accept what comes.
[Es importante hacer planes para la vida y no solamente aceptar lo que venga.]
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much
5. When you are in trouble, only a relative can be depended on to help you out.
[Cuando estå uno en dificultades, solamente puede depender de la ayuda de los parientes.]
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much
6. It is not good to let your relatives know everything about your life, for they might take advantage of you.
[No es bueno dejar los parientes sepan todo de su vida, pues pueden aprovecharse de usted.]
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much
7. A person needs good connections to get ahead in the occupational world.
[Uno necesita de buenas conecciones para poder adelantar en el mundo del trabajo.]
agree very much agree a little disagree a little disagree very much